Dr George Heritage FRGS (Director)

George is Dynamic Rivers’ most senior hydromorphologist with a wealth of experience including NFM, river restoration, weir removal, culvert assessment and rehabilitation and sediment modelling. He specialises in understanding the sediment transport system (coarse bedload and fine suspended load) and its links to channel form and response, developing predictive models of system behaviour that facilitate sustainable design and help to reduce project risk and maintenance levels by working with rather than against current processes and controls. He has completed award winning work on Ennerdale Mill Dam, the Swindale Beck naturalisation scheme, restoration of the River Medlock lined channel in Manchester and the naturalisation of part of the River Trent. George has worked extensively on temperate, alpine, semi-arid and arid river systems in the UK, Europe, South East Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Iceland and New Zealand. He has experience and understanding of many river types from bedrock-influenced channels through active gravel systems to anastomosing networks.

Seb Bentley. BSc MCIWEM C.WEM (Director)

Seb has over 15 years’ experience of undertaking catchment wide and reach specific geomorphological assessments, specialising in sediment transport (including modelling), natural processes and Natural Flood Management. He is also an expert modeller in a variety of software, providing training courses in use to internal and external clients.  He has pioneered the use of CAESAR and TUFLOW (amongst others) as modelling packages to determine flow and sediment regime impacts of river restoration schemes.  He has worked on and walked a variety of river types across the UK (including many high energy systems) and internationally as part of catchment wide assessments to understand geomorphological forms and processes as part of restoration schemes and interventions within river systems including their floodplains.

Robert James Williamson PhD (GIS and Modelling)

Rob is a dedicated GIS analyst, technician and modeller with 10 years’ experience working with a range of GIS software including ArcGIS, SAGA, QGIS, GrassGIS as well as spatial packages in the R programming language. A critical thinker who likes to improve processes and efficiency of workflow, he is a big believer in the use of scripting, especially in R, so that results are quick and easy to reproduce.

Amelia Remers BSc (Technician)

Currently an Dynamic Rivers intern, she has just completed her third-year physical geography studies at the University of Salford. She has wide-ranging fieldwork experience both domestic and international. She has significant experience in Geographic Information Systems, Tuflow and topographical data processing.

Zayd Abid-Waheed BSc (Graduate GIS technician)  

Zayd graduated with a 1st Class (Hons) BSc Geography, from the University of Salford. His dissertation used GIS to investigate climate change and glacier mass balance across the globe using a range of remote sensing techniques. Zayd received a Royal Geographical Society scholarship for research in high energy river environments and has worked extensively on temperate river systems in the UK and the European Alps. At university Zayd helped raise more than £60,000 as President and member of the Islamic Society and was also the President of the Debating Society.

Rory Clements BSc (Hons) CGeog (Geomorphology) FRGS (Geomorphologist & Modeller)

Rory joins Dynamic Rivers in January 2024 with over nine years postgraduate experience working in applied geomorphology, designing river channel and, floodplain restorations, habitat enhancement schemes and weir removals.  After completing a BSc in Environmental Geography at Salford University Rory went on to work at several large environmental consultancies. He has significant practical site experience undertaking river audits and catchment walkovers. He is also experienced in 2D hydraulic modelling studies for river channel design and geomorphological dynamics impact assessments and is capable in most well-known hydraulic modelling software packages. He is a self-taught Python coder and has extensive GIS experience.

Alexis McGurk (Planning & Logistics)

Alexis has a background in museum management, HR and the charity sector.

She will be managing Dynamic Rivers Internal Management System including travel, payroll, purchasing and quality standards.